Nestled between Nancowrie and Little Andaman, Car Nicobar, the administrative capital of Nicobar Islands, is a land of natural beauty. It lies as flat as a pancake on the sea and is almost square in shape; with silvery white sand and roaring sea all around. With hardly 127 km2 of land mass and 15 villages to its credit, the area is lush green and covered mostly with coconut palms--the staple food of Islanders.
For centuries Andaman & Nicobar Islands remained a mystery to the outside world because of its inaccessibility. All the heroic efforts to open it up were defeated by the deadly climate, the jungle, and the privations of the Nicobar Islands and by the superstitions of the islanders. The British gatecrashed successfully in the 19th century in search of a place to deport Indian political leaders to curb the independence movement. This earned the place an infamous name Kalapaani or Black Waters. The deadly combination of its tragic past and alluring serene beauty makes it the most sought-after destination of modern times. The island offers so much to explore and experience!
In the recent past Car Nicobar came into the limelight when the Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004 struck it with great force. The severe earthquake was followed by high tidal waves of a killer Tsunami which caused extensive damage. It took quite some time to recover from the losses.
The Lt. Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands has announced that Car Nicobar will be opened for the tourists in the near future. Initial steps are being taken to develop infrastructural facilities for tourism. At present, the entry to this island is restricted to tribal pass holders and strictly banned for tourists. With the Car Nicobar Online City-Guide, we're trying to spin together several facets of the city under a single umbrella and have all the relevant information available on Car Nicobar. Explore this exciting city with Carnicobaronline.in and be ready to get mesmerized!